Care management

These member resources and services are designed to help support you on the journey to your best health.

Access top care facilities

If you have a special condition, our Centers of Excellence (COE) network provides help finding a doctor and medical center as well as help with understanding your illness. COEs are intended to complement local hospital and physician care by helping you get access to care.

Centers of Excellence

Weight-loss surgery support

Get ongoing support before and after weight-loss surgery from a dedicated team of nurses. Our Bariatric Resource Services program offers educational resources, surgery preparation assistance and continued support to help you succeed.

Coping with cancer

A cancer diagnosis can bring on a range of emotions and concerns. Providing specialized cancer care management, our Cancer Support Program connects you to a team of highly rated physicians, providers, personal care nurses, and advocates. They’ll help you understand your diagnosis, monitor your medications and treatment plans, provide access to social workers for financial, transportation, and childcare needs, and more.

Cancer support