Benefits built with you in mind

Feeling cared for makes all the difference — and it starts right here. UnitedHealthcare and Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners offer access to quality care that’s designed to cost less. Let’s take a look at some important things to know as you get ready to choose your plan.

Can't find the information you need?

If you're having trouble finding the information you need to make informed health care benefit decisions, please reach out to one of our UnitedHealthcare On-Site Health Care Advocates for support:

Evelyn: 561-233-5474
Leslie: 561-233-5463

Let’s keep your knowing growing

Explore digital tools

Access your benefits anytime, anywhere with our personalized online resources.

Support your health goals

Find resources for healthier living, like wellness programs and personalized support.

Get help managing care

Find resources and services designed to support your specific health needs.