Care management

These member resources and services are designed to help support you on the journey to your best health.

Access top care facilities

If you have a special condition, our Centers of Excellence (COE) network provides help finding a doctor and medical center as well as help with understanding your illness. COEs are intended to complement local hospital and physician care by helping you get access to care.

Centers of Excellence

Benefit Interpretation Manual and Medical Management Guidelines

Our Benefit Interpretations Manual and our Medical Management Guidelines and Clinical Practice Guidelines for Members are tools we use to help us administer health benefits under your plan. Please consult your benefit plan document to find out what services are covered under your plan.

These policies and guidelines are not medical advice. You should always consult with your physician or other healthcare provider about your medical care and treatment. More information about these policies and guidelines are available in the links below.


Benefit Interpretation Manuals:

Continuity of Care Information and Forms

Continuity of Care for newly enrolled members is a health plan process that, under certain circumstances, provides members with continued care with a former, non-participating provider. Download the Continuity of Care document(s) below for more information.


California Forms: